Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Jaman sekarang kalo belum punya blog boleh jadi dibilang gak gaul. Ya maklum aja lah, orang yang punya blog lebih merasa nyaman bila bergaul dengan teman-temannya. Setidaknya bisa terhindar dari istilah gaptek, alias gagap teknologi, he he he.

Nah, buat yang punya blog juga terdapat ‘gap’ antara yang punya blog gratisan ato blog berbayar. Yang punya blog gratisan masih sedikit minder jika ketemu ama blogger yang sudah punya blog berbayar. Walau gak semua blogger seperti itu sih, he he he.
Nah, buat temen-temen yang masih pake blog gratisan seperti blogspot atau wordpress, gak perlu khawatir kok. Kita bisa “mengakali” blog gratis kita itu seakan menjadi blog berbayar. Jadi misal kamu punya blog dengan alamat yusniar.blogspot.com bisa kita singkat jadi yusniar.co.cc. Bedanya cuma di ujung doang, yang satu pake blogspot, yang satulagi jadi lebih singkat karena pake CO.CC. Caranya? Gampang banget!
Yang pertama-tama kita  perlu blog. Ya tentu aja. Kalo gak ada blog, gimana mau nyingkat alamat blognya? ha ha ha.
Yang kedua, kita harus mendaftar di penyedia penyingkat alamat blog, ato bahasa gaulnya registrar domain. Kalo mau yang berbayar, silakan mendaftar di godaddy.com. Disitu kamu bisa punya domain seharga berkisaran seratus ribu. Tapi bayarnya pake dolar gan, ha ha ha. Kalo gak ada dolar ya musti beli dolar dulu. Nah, pada kesempatan ini ane cuma mau berbagi informasi aja cara dapat domain GRATIS!
Ikuti petunjuk berikut ini jika kamu sudah siap dan serius:
Pertama, silakan mendaftar dulu di webnya CO.CC. Caranya klik disini.
Kedua. Klik Create an Account Now.

setelah terdaftar di CO.CC ikuti petunjuk berikut ini

untuk mengetahui apakah domain name yang kamu maksud masih tersedia atau tidak, silahkan ketik nama domainnya di bawah ini


Sunday, January 23, 2011

10 Foods Healthy Can Make You Fat :)

Many people assume, the consumption of junk food as the biggest cause of obesity. But you know, healthy foods are often eaten can make a stretchy waist.
For those who are on a diet, start now watch your diet for a diet that is not lived in vain. Here's a list of healthful foods that can make your weight soaring.
1. Sushi
Be careful to make the sushi enthusiast. Vegetables and seaweeds are listed as low-calorie foods, but a mixture of cream cheese or mayonnaise, seafood makes a sushi roll with levels of about 500-600 calories.
Ketchup that we often eat with sushi too can make the weight increases, because the content of sodium makes you want to continue drinking and eating.
2. Dried fruit
Dried fruit proved to have more calories than fresh fruit. This is because wasteful dried fruits that have undergone the drying process that makes it more solid.
For example, fresh wine has 60 calories per cup, while raisins has 460 calories. You need to know, not a bit too dry fruit that use extra sugar so that the number of calories could be higher.
3. Granola
Healthy breakfast menu consisting of beans and wheat turned out to have is 500 calories per bowl. Surprised? It turned out that the use of oil that makes it crispy make these foods have a high amount of calories. Better to choose other cereals with the same nutrients but a little oil and sugar.
4. Coffee milk
Usually you will mix the milk in the coffee black. However, it turns out this is the wrong way to get calcium. If you drink coffee 2-3 cups of milk per day then you will
get 200 calories or more of the same as getting calories from large pieces of butter are high in fat.
5. Bottled tea
Many tea packaging using sugar or honey as a sweetener. One bottle of tea appeared to have almost 200 calories equals one bottle of soda.
6. Glutinous rice crispies
If you eat glutinous rice crispies, you definitely will not stop until they run out. This food is actually low in fat and calories, but the content is very low in fiber and protein. Even the desire to eat continuously substance-the substance that causes increases in your body.
7. Vegetable burgers
Certainly do not use beef in burgers is to reduce calories. However, without any meat you can get 1000 calories from a burger as cheese, bread forms a large, sauces, and mayonnaise that
make it a high calorie content.
8. Fruit juice
Who would have thought fruit juice can make the body fat? Apparently a glass of orange juice or apple flavored packaging has 55 grams of carbohydrate equals one slice of bread. And most of the juice on the market contain up to 12 spoons full of sugar.
9. Salad
There's nothing better than a vegetable that is not mixed any seasoning. The addition of cheese, beans, salad dressings made him rich in calories even higher than the pasta.
10. Know
You will get the sodium, calories, saturated fat, and sugar in the dish even know. However, knowing not the food that will make the fat, but how to manage it can make calorie content in foods made out to be high.

6 Safe Blogging Tips for Teens

Become a blogger will bring about many positive things. For adolescents, wrote in a blog will help build their character, improve their writing skills and ability to communicate. 

According to the sources compiled by SafetyWeb, more than half of the blogs on the internet written by young people aged under 19 years. Well, for that oversight of their activities is necessary because they have a tendency to spit too much information on the blog so that presents a risk. Here it is tips that can be recommended for teenagers or perhaps to our own: 

1. Keep yourself from hackers an easy target 
Protect your blog from acts of piracy by installing a 'fence' of passwords which is a combination of letters and numbers. Make sure you regularly change the password. 

2. Hide your home address 
The original name, school name, place of birth to the home address should not diumbar carelessly. List info-info like this would be risky because these data can easily appear in search engine results and you too can become victims of cyberstalking / physical-stalking. 

3. Become an editor 
It would be better if your settings to your blog for incoming comments must obtain consent from you first. Cyberbully (defamation in cyberspace) and other bad acts will be avoided. 

4. Put a photo of the 'healthy' 
Photos become an important part of a blog, so do not attach a photo of origin. Stay away from actions that expose a photo of your personal information such as clubbing or sexy photographs that invite ignorance / evil person's intentions. 

5. Be wise blogger 
Know that what you post on the internet will be permanent.Therefore, think of the potential that could come sometime in the future due to your writing, then bijaklah in writing. 

6. Parents still play an important role 
Parents are highly contribute in Internet education for children.Explain what should and should not be done by the children when blogging. Monitor the baby blog regularly is also a good move.

What kinds of blog?


1. Blogspot has advantages in terms of modification of templates, there are hundreds or even thousands of free templates that can be downloaded for free and can be modified according to our tastes.
2. Blogspot can read Java Script so that we can beautify our blog with various kinds of widgets and tools such as Shoutbox, analog or digital clock, Alexa ranking, Pagerange and much more.
3. Because blogspot can read a variety of Javascript, of course blogspot can be maximized to generate revenue through various advertising programs that recently began to bloom like Google Adsense, Adsense by Camp, Gather Bloggers and others.
1. Blogspot has advantages in terms of modification of templates, there are hundreds or even thousands of free templates that can be downloaded for free and can be modified according to our tastes.
2. Blogspot can read Java Script so that we can beautify our blog with various kinds of widgets and tools such as Shoutbox, analog or digital clock, Alexa ranking, Pagerange and much more.
3. Because blogspot can read a variety of Javascript, of course blogspot can be maximized to generate revenue through various advertising programs that recently began to bloom like Google Adsense, Adsense by Camp, Gather Bloggers and others.
1. How much easier because our posts have been divided for mempsoting photos, text, video and the other. And for setting us also use the mouse.
2. Guestbook and Viewing History
Guestbook guestbook or shoutbox or the same as a medium of relationship between bloggers. While with Viewing History, we can see new bloggers who visited our blog but do not fill the shoutbox or comment for example. Both parts can be used as a footprint to be able to visit each other, and Multiply provides both with a display that is good, because visitors come complete with photos and blog links.
3. Contacts and Groups All members MP can connect to each other and to list contacts such as Friendster or any other Web Community. But this is also a weakness because besides MP MP users can not give comment. So if we want to comment must register in advance.
4. Standard Layout
Create a happy person who tinkers blog, maybe MP is not the place. Because the MP does not provide facilities to change the layout as Blogsome or Blogspot. Just can change the look of some standard themes that are available. Many skins are free, but unfortunately without being able dipreview. Way of life, copy-paste the code skins and the most unpleasant of the MP is a sponsor banner that we do not get benefit from it.
Blogsome is similar but more simple wordpress adminya inside pages. But weaknesses in this type of blogs is still limited templateenya 

One of my flagship blog, webnode This has the advantage of many features gabugan advantages in the blogspot and wordpress on webnode. Easy to include posts like multiply. Provides a widget to insert html code.
Location kekuranganya limited in the templates and also we can not modify templatesnya 

Friday, January 21, 2011

How do I add a chat room on Wordpress Blog ?

1. Visit: http://www.chatroll.com
2. Click on the words Sign Up
3. Fill in the columns are like usurname, email, passwords and codes certification.
4. Then click the word 'I accept.Create my account'.
5. After that you start designing your chat room.
6. Well, copy and paste the HTML code and put it where you want it's up in the blog.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tips for Using Images On Web Design

Often the beginner web designers use images of excess in the design, as a result the web is going to seem slow when loaded by the browser.
Although the web is good graphically but in designing a web page designer should pay attention to the content (content) from the web, do not let you beat the functionality of the web is actually just because the graphics display.

The use of graphics should be able to cope with the needs and functions of the site, eg the composition of colors and shapes, and the impression which will be highlighted from the web, whether for commercial purposes? personal site? company? government? or place an online gallery? and much more.

Use graphics or pictures that are less precise on a website may cause you'll lose visitors that you actually need.

Use of Images On the Web The following is a list of web parts that usually wear a picture but many web designers who use the text for that section.
1. Navigation Button The navigation key is absolutely necessary in a web, by setting a clear navigation buttons will help visitors find the information diinginkanya, a couple of points to consider in making the navigation is text or Text must be seen with clear and readable.
2. Logo Be it a company logo, organization or personal logos often use image, logo image serves as the identity of the company, a nice logo to increase brand name of a company or organization.
3. Site Map Use of site map is a picture can indeed facilitate visitors in finding information but the use of images in the site map should be selected properly if you become too lamabt web or not.
4. Bullet bullet widely used for emphasis of certain points in the document
5. Banner Banners posted on the website with the aim to improve the composition of form, color and essential information (Hot Items) are often used in the website, with graphics that will attract visitors interested to click on the banner. - Also known as a title graphic. Main function is to let your visitors know the which web
6. Boundary The boundary line between the menu, the web, separating the footer, header and content of both horizontal and vertical web is feasible because usually the boundary line has a small file size.
7. Background Image This section is used to provide characteristics, and composition of the contents and background on the web that will be made, provided that the image file that is used is not too large, the image background is fit for use.
8. Headings The reason the image is used for the heading which most often is due to some type of text is not contained in the client computer, because that used an image file instead.
9. Photo Photos of activities or activities that highlight specific sections of the website is necessary, with a clear picture is expected to direct visitors to understand the property who, for what the website was created, and whether the web site category. The use of photos is often used to clarify the items and products on e-commerce website.

Some things to consider in the selection and use of images or graphics to appear more harmonious on the web that you created are: 1. The color of all graphics must be matched, either between menus, company logos or orgonasisasi, headers, footers and gackground used.
2. Colors in the text must be readable navigation key with clear, note the size of the text to be entered on the navigation buttons, if too small? is it readable?, usually text color in a customized navigation buttons (not necessarily the same) with a color logo or title main website
3. do not use too many combinations of colors, for excessive color combinations will look tacky and slow down the process of downloading the browser, simply use two to four color combinations in the website, except for certain mascot or icon.
4. Note the size of your website against any additional images or graphics, the most common size is 40 to 70 K, with an average 28.8 modem connection
5. Separate images have different color, this happens on the graphics contained degradation lebih.lebih color or two colors either try to cut perbagian different colors, this can accelerate the process of downloading images on the browser.
6. Choose the correct file type, when you use gamabr jpeg files and when to use gif, selecting the right file type gamabr will accelerate the process of downloading the browser.
Remember not to make use of graphical main functions of the website is not met, if too large size of your website due to the many image files, change the background, the dividing lines, bullets, headings, and with HTML
Hopefully Helpful

Logo Design Tips and Objectives

Logo is an icon that represents something, and as a symbol that is able to explain briefly about the brand image of a product or company. With the logo then a company will have its own brand that will be known by the public in this consumer. It is necessary to note that the logos have and carry out a purpose, namely:
1. Mark-Ing interpreted form To do this interpretation is usually a designer using the theory analogous to represent the form in question. The form is usually taken from the name of something objects (corporate or product) which made its logo.
2. Eye-Catching A logo design will have more value if you have eye-catching element. Of the many pictures on display, both at the outlet, bookstore, or a stack of business cards, if the logo is able to attract more dominant than images or other forms?
To be able to create a logo design is eye-catching is not easy. There are several things that must be considered. Start the target market, the characteristics of the intended audience, or media that will be used, and so forth. But this can be learned, and requires hours of flying high.
One of the elements upon which to make an eye-catching design has the unique concept of form. In addition to the mark-ing form of a unique shape also became one of the requirements of a logo design capable of seizing the attention of the audience. There are many symbols that can be used to interpret an object, but from the fact there are few alternative options or any one of the two is more eye-catching. From the basic shape of a logo design can actually be added cosmetic (to borrow a phrase fashion) or supporting ornament, a form of nature as a sweetener. In addition, because of its cosmetic here only as a sweetener, then the strength is not so dominant. Chosen as a cosmetic form can be round, square, square, triangle, or just a curved line.
3. Trend The development of the logo somewhat influenced by the trend, like trends in the fashion world. The trend here represent appreciation of the dynamics of the logo itself. As we know in the early 2000s, a growing trend for the logo is the digital form, where the shape here represented by the line more and dot (point). This refers to the fast growing IT era at the beginning of the year. Where many of the shapes that represent the world of IT a trade mark logos are born at the time. Starting from the form font to the concept of matrix effects have great impact on the birth process logos.
Trend in fact identical to the outbreak of influenza could spread without known origins. Affect each other and have a incubasi. Sometimes circular or repetitive nature, which the old concept back into the new trend. Many factors led to this trend, which are all derived from the external. Could be due to symptoms that occur around us, such as fashion, TV, systems, politics, etc.. In the era of the 70s, the design of more use to interpret the detailed shape of an object. Design a logo that there are many illustrations that are detailed (closer to the original). Perhaps precisely the flow of naturalists, so influencing the design concept of logos that were born at the time. Then in the era of the 90s, the concept of logo design change for the more simple. Detailed form of objects that are no longer used to interpret a logo. The design is minimalist lebihcenderung. And in the era of 2000 changed the development of more complex than the form is also coloring (color) to be very minimalist here. Color - The color used in the logos that were born in this era tend to use solid colors and impressive minimalist color, in addition to a line and dot. Perhaps a more fitting term for this is the era-Clipart.
In addressing the trend, there are things that can be used as a reference in designing a design, whether as a trend follower? or as a creator of trends?, or even we remain solid in the atmosphere typical of our design. All up to the designers to position the design. To be sure the trend is one of appreciation of the dynamics of a development. As long as we see it as a positive then we will have the insight and ideas more widely. Vice versa, if we view it as an obstacle then we will not be able to accept the shortcomings of our design is more proportional.
Additional Tips You can find examples of logos - famous logo of a company as an additional insight and inspiration that is by utilizing the Google Service by Keyword / Keyword: Corporate Logo, Logo Designer, Logo Company.
Thank you Hopefully Helpful

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How could a website Online?

In order for your website has been designed to be accessible to others, then your website must dionline out. To her onlinekan your website must have a domain and web hosting services.

Domain and hosting some free and some are paid. Free web hosting that is usually also provide domain name. Examples of free web hosting including: www.geocities.com, www.tripod.com, www.angelfire.com, etc..

While the paid web hosting for example: www.masterwebnet.com, www.idwebhost.com, www.kioss.com, etc..

The weakness of free web hosting that is: the domain name to be long, access is slower and there are usually ads.

The paid Web hosting services also provide domain name sales. Prices for domain names that are cheaper is Rp 50.000, - / annum. So there are times when the passing time and when the domain period is not extended then your domain will be removed which resulted in your site is not accessible.

For web hosting, cheapest price is Rp 5,000, -/month.

If you've got a domain and hosting, you can immediately send your website files to the web hosting. File2 your web document can be sent via FTP or File Manager.

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