Friday, June 24, 2011

10 Most Romantic Places In The World

Who would want to run a baseball romantic vacation? Or maybe you want to feel honeymoon and subsequent honeymoon in a state full of romance? Then there is no harm in you start looking for the most romantic places in the world, is not it? Rather than bother to find, you try to preview a list of the most romantic places that exist below:
1. Paris

Who the hell are not familiar with the romance of Paris? city ​​for lovers with good food, wine and feel pleasant. Romantic dinner with a beautiful candle near the Eiffel Tower, walk along the Champs Elysees bergandengen or picnic in the park. Paris gave the romance and beauty for couples who fall in love over the centuries.
2. Hawaii

It turned out that Hawaii is the honeymoon destination city in the world, especially among Americans. Whether you are in Maui, or other major islands in Hawaii, this place has always offered the best choice in the morning mate. Beaches and tropical forests, luxury hotel rooms, sports, and many interesting things in the wild!
3. St. Thomas

The city is located in the Virgin Islands, and is a famous coastal city by a range of beautiful beaches and interesting places to shop.The city is filled with hotels that can accommodate couples or even families. In this city also created a limit to the number of parties and party participants, so you will have no trouble if you want to cuddle with your partner!
4. Venice

Travel by gondola on the canals of this city has become a romantic symbol of this city. The trip by sitting close to the couple and in awe to see the beautiful city. Romantic dinner at Italian restaurant with a variety of interesting twists and turns that sometimes takes you to beautiful romantic church. Venice is a place that will make you fall in love and fall in love again.
5. Tahiti

Quiet strip located in the South Pacific, with a beautiful beach bungalows, which lets you swim in the morning calm. Relax on white sand with beautiful palm trees with the hotel employees are ready to help you whatever and whenever. Magnificent scenery at sunset will also not be forgotten easily!
6. Belize
Belize is a wonderful place for couples. The island is located in the center of this reef will make everyone forget the couple because many beaches to be 'privately owned' by the water filled with colorful reef fish will accompany you. You are afraid to swim? not a problem, beautiful beaches and palm trees bergorang awaits you!
7. Maldives

23 islands located in the middle of Ocean Indonesia is one of heaven on earth. Coral islands are very little above the sea surface, and clusters of coral surrounding the island is teeming with life. Small country is indeed beautiful and romantic is the most fitting place for a romantic life.
8. Seychelles

Ocean archipelago in Indonesia is actually located off the coast of Africa and is the most relaxing places in the world. Life of an exotic and tranquil shades will always be waiting for you and your partner.Golf course, spa, fishing trips and fresh tropical drinks will make a pair of honeymooners will not want to return to their home country again.
9. Bruges

The ancient city with a medieval setting in Brussels this is the best way to escape from all the noise of the city. This quiet little town to maintain the condition of the city remained like this condition in the medieval city. The streets are lined with rocks, and small cafes in the open air will make you feel back to medieval times, complete with a variety of romantic and beautiful thing, minus the trouble and fuss.
10. Tuscany

A region full of vineyards, villas, and small towns of Italy, will make you feel like being in a romantic way. You can stay in a historic villa, with the best food and you can bike around the vineyards of your choice and the best wine to drink anyway. If you are in this place, surely you will understand why some people did not want to go back when I got in this place. In short, nothing is more beautiful and romantic in Italy than Tuscany.
source :

10 World's Fastest Animals

1. CHEETAH - 70 Miles / hour (112 km / h)
Cheetah is the fastest living creature that ever lived on land, can reach speeds of 112 km / h to 120 km / h on the track along the 460 m (500 yards). His ability to accelerate also can not be matched any living creature. Cheetahs can reach speeds of 0 km / h to 110 km / h in just 3 seconds.
2. Antelope - 61 Miles / hour (80 km / h)

The animal was also suspected as the second fastest animal in the world. Maximum speed of this animal is very difficult to ascertain accurately, it is because each individual animal is having an ability that is different. This beast also has the ability to sprint for longer because it supported the lung space and a bigger heart.
3. Wildebeest - 50 Miles / hour (80 km / h)

Wildebeest are other animals who rely on speed to escape predators. This beast is a big cat's favorite food, it's because open-habitat in mainland Africa's wildebeest, mreka is the largest community that can live to 20 years.
4. Lion - 50 Miles / hour (80 km / h)

King of all hunters, lion, do not need to have the speed to make himself as the best among the best. In the hunt for melangusngkan his life, the majority is done by the lioness, but the male lion that emotions can run to reach speeds of 80 km / hour.
5. DEER Thompson - 50 Miles / hour (80 km / h)

Named after its inventor, Joseph Thompson, Deer Thompson is recognized worldwide as the best deer, both in terms of physical shape, speed, and cunning than any other deer species. In terms of avoiding the main enemy of the cheetah, deer can reach speeds of 80 km / h is accompanied by a confusing zigzag movement.These deer also choose a better endurance than a cheetah (like a motorcycle, deer Thompson more fuel-efficient).
6. HORSE - 47.5 Miles / hour (76 km / h)

This type is the fastest horse Quarter Horse derives its name 'quarters' because in horse racing can lead the race almost a quarter of the length of the track (eg track 100 m, this horse can finish 25 meters in front of the rank-2) of ordinary horses other types. This horse can reach a maximum speed of 76 miles per hour.
7. LARGE DEER - 46 Miles / hour (73.6 km / h)

Deer are often regarded as the world's second largest deer, and also one of the largest mammals in North America and eastern Asia. Unlike the other high-speed animal, this animal is actually using its speed to escape predators, but however, see the size and speed, a lot of hungry predators though, prefer to carry out the attack to hunt these deer.
8. DOG HUNTER - 45 Miles / hour (72 km / h)

These dogs combine the speed and ingenuity in hunting prey, they hunt in packs and are very organized, one of the dogs prey drive to one place, and other dogs ready to attack after another until the helpless prey.
9. Coyote - 43 Miles / hour (68.8 km / h)

Coyote use their speed to hunt small mammals such as rabbits, rats, squirrels, deer and cattle. These meat-eating animals, live in groups, and hunt throughout the season.
10. Fox - 42 Miles / hour (67.2 km / h)

Foxes are hunters who consume the meat and vegetables. They use their speed to hunt rabbits, mice and even birds

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

10 + 8 Regarding Japan's Uniqueness

1. In Japan, the number "4" and "9" is not liked, so there is often no room number "4" and "9". "4" is pronounced "shi" sound with the same meaning "dead", while "9" read "my", the same sound with the meaning "kurushii / miserable?. 

2. Japanese people like the number "8". The prices of most items ending in "8". Milk for example, 198 yen. But because the rule now requires that goods prices should include taxes included already, so maybe this habit will disappear. (Market = Yaoya = text reads kanjinya happyaku-yes or store 800). 

3. If the summer, the soap operas on TV often nampilin smelling things spooky (ghost). 

4. Detective drama on TV, sirens (kyukyusha) usually appears in the early minutes. At the end of the story, before the fight desperately usually criminals always tell all the secrets of his crime.

5. How to read Japanese writing is twofold: 

* The same as the Roman alphabet lettered books, letters read from top to bottom. 
* The second is from the rightmost column to the left, so the front and back of the book opposite the Roman alphabet books (home page located at "the back"). 

6. We (Indonesian people) and peers from other Southeast Asia generally when introducing themselves (jiko-Shokai) often begin with "minasan, konnichiwa" or "minasan, konbanwa". Perhaps this is because the habit of Indonesian to always start with a congratulatory speech tonight, and so on. But it was odd to hearing the Japanese, because it is similar to the news on TV. Should begin by directly calling the name and affiliation. For example "M1 no ken Tanaka desu Anto .... And so on.", No need to "konnichiwa minasan .. ...". 

7. The first difficulty that appears in the administrative affairs in Japan, when asked what the name of your family?, Because we no necessity in Indonesia and some Southeast Asian countries to include the family name. 

8. If we get an invitation requesting confirmation of attendance or not, we usually have to send back a postcard. One manner is to cross out the letter 御 on choice: 御 欠 席 / 出席. Also ruled out in our name suffix 様 listed as the sender on the postcard. It is Japanese custom, so we are always humble, which is shown by avoiding / crossed out and 様 御 on a postcard reply. 

9. If we sign, sometimes the Japanese will be asked: is read how?If the Japanese when required signature (eg passport, etc.). Generally write their names in kanji, so it can be clearly legible.While we usually make an abbreviation or a spike / initials so that it can not be copied / read by others. 

10. TV show in Japan is dominated by cooking. 

11. Copy of the Japanese self-service, while in Indonesia in-service. 

12. If a taxi in Japan, the door opened and closed by the driver.Passengers are allowed to open and close it themselves. 

13. Signature in Japan almost never apply for formal purposes, but must wear cap (Hanko / plays). Type of Hanko in Japan: 

* Jitsu-in, are the plays that are used for very important purposes, such as buying a house, buy a car, etc.. This type is registered at the shiyakusho (patented). 
* Gingko-in, is the kind of plays that are used to create a dedicated account in the bank. This type is registered at the bank. 
* Mitome-in, used for everyday purposes and not be registered. 
So sometimes one person has some type of plays, for various purposes. 

14. Pillion passenger must not ride a bike (except a lift children). (道路 交通 法 57 条 第 2 项 规则 9 条 乘车 人员 制 限 违反 -> bicycles should not be used lift, except that memboncengkannya more than 16 years old and children who diboncengkan less than one year old and the only one who diboncengkan. If violated, a maximum fine of 20 thousand yen. 

15. Invitation to eat together does not necessarily mean you are treated to, but could be paying separately. 

16. In Japan it is difficult to find a typewriter. 

17. Ever see the way Japanese people do not count "one", "two", "three", .... with his fingers? If colleagues note, there are differences with the habits of people of Indonesia. Indonesian people are generally starting from the hands and fists while counting "one", the little finger enforced. Count "two", the ring finger enforced, and so on. If the Japanese people, to my knowledge, just the opposite. They always start from the palms open, and how to calculate the inverse of Indonesia. When saying "one", then the fingers will bend / is closed into the palm of the hand. Eg Not believe? Coba deh ... jikken with your Japanese friends. 

18. How to write numbers: 7 (seven). Indonesia has always been the custom of adding a small scratch on the leg number 7 (like the letter "NU" katakana: ヌ). In Japan has always been educated to write seven letters exactly as typed (without its graffiti Indonesian people), so similar letters say "FU" (フ) or "WA" (ワ). 

10 Japan's Key to Success


It is common knowledge that the Japanese are hard workers. The average working hours of employees in Japan is 2450 hours / year, is very high compared to America (1957 hours / year), UK (1911 hours / year), Germany (1870 hours / year), and France (1680 hours / year) An employee in Japan could produce a car in 9 days, while workers in other states require 47 days to make the car worth the same. A worker may be said Japan could do the work normally done by 5-6 people. Home quickly is something that can be said "somewhat embarrassing" in Japan, and indicates that the employee was included "not required" by the company. In college, professors are also used to come home that night (actually morning), make the student is not good to go home first. The phenomenon of karoshi (death due to hard work) may only exist in Japan. Most of the literature mentions that this is true with hard work and prosperity of Japan's revival can be achieved.

2. SHY 

Shame is the ancestral culture and the Japanese people from generation to generation. Harakiri (suicide by sticking a knife into the stomach) becomes a ritual since the era of the samurai, when they were defeated and the battle. Log into the modern world, the discourse changed a little to the phenomenon of "resign" for officials (ministers, politicians, etc.) involved the issue of corruption or feel like a failure duties. Possible negative effects are the children of elementary, junior high, sometimes suicidal, because its value is ugly or not the next grade. Embarrassed also the Japanese people prefer to choose a detour rather than interfere with the driver behind the cut line in the middle of the road. How do they automatically form a queue directly in any situations that need, purchase a train ticket, entrance to the stadium to watch football, at the bus stop, even to use public toilets at stations, they are neatly lined up waiting their turn. They are ashamed of their environment when they break rules or norms that have become common agreement. 

3. Scrimp 

The Japanese have a zest for life-saving in everyday life.Excessive anti-consumerism attitude is seen in various areas of life. In the early days of starting life in Japan, I was amazed with the number of Japanese people crowded the supermarket at about 19:30. Quizzed had inquired, it has become commonplace that the supermarkets in Japan will cut prices up to half in about half an hour before closing. As it is known that Japan's Supermarket in the average closed at 20:00. Another example is the housewives who are willing to ride a bike to the grocery store a little way from home, just because it is cheaper 20 or 30 yen. Many Japanese families who do not own a car, not because it is not capable, but because it is more efficient to use buses and trains to travel. Including my first thought why kerosene space heater uses a troublesome still loved, but enough with the existing air conditioning cold and hot mode.The reason was one, kerosene is cheaper than electricity.Japanese professor also used to ride an old bike to campus, together with his students. 


 Loyalty to make a career in a company's systems running and cleanly. Slightly different from the system in America and Europe, are very rare Japanese who move jobs. They usually stay in one or two companies until retirement. This may be the implications of Industry in Japan that most would only accept fresh graduates, which they then train and educate themselves in accordance with the field plots (core business) companies. City Hofu perhaps an obvious example. Hofu was once a very industrial city with a population left behind is too dense. Loyalty of the population to stay afloat (do not go out of town) and have a shared commitment to work hard day and night and eventually change the Hofu become prosperous and modern city. Even today the best industrial city with a production of around 160,000 vehicles per year. 


Japan is not the inventor, but the Japanese have an edge in finding people to mix and then market it in the form of a demand by the public. Interesting to read the story of Akio Morita, who developed the legendary Sony Walkman. Tape cassette is not invented by Sony, the patent is owned by Phillip Electronics. But to successfully develop and membundling portable model as a product that is booming for decades was Akio Morita, founder and CEO of Sony at that time. Until 1995, there were more than 300 models of Walkman was born and the total production reached 150 million products. Mechanical assembly of four-wheeled vehicles are also not created by the Japanese, his patent owned by Americans. But it turns out Japan for its innovation vehicle assembly industry can develop a faster and cheaper. The resulting car is also relatively inexpensive, lightweight, easy to drive, easy to maintain and more fuel efficient. Matsushita Electric company formerly known as "maneshita" (impersonator) has its own legend with the bread maker machine. Innovation and ideas from a engineernya named Ikuko Tanaka, who took the initiative to replicate the techniques of making bread from sheef at Osaka International Hotel, produce work of bread-making machines (home bakery) Matsushita brand is famous for. 

6. Unyielding 

History proves that the Japanese including a resilient nation and unyielding. Decades under the Tokugawa empire that covers the access to overseas, Japan is very behind in technology. When the restoration of the Meiji (Meiji Ishin) came, the Japanese quickly adapt and become a fast-learner. Poverty is not natural resources to make Japan surrender. Not only the importer of petroleum, coal, iron ore and wood, even 85% of Japan's energy sources come from other countries including Indonesia. Reportedly, Indonesia needs to stop the supply of oil, then 30% of Japan will pitch dark series of disasters occurred in 1945, starting from the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan followed with a losing war, and added in the presence of a major earthquake in Tokyo.Apparently Japan is not depleted. In the next few years Japan has managed to build the automotive industry and even the fast train (Shinkansen). Probably pretty amazing how Konosuke Matsushita whose business was destroyed and almost out of the business of electronic equipment in 1945 are still able to crawl, start from scratch to build the industry to become a business empire in the contemporary era. Akio Morita was also originally to be laughed at when offering products Tapenya small cassette into various other countries. But eventually a legend with the Sony Walkman. What is also quite unique that the science and theory in which people must learn from this failure began to be formulated in Japan with shippaigaku name (the science of failure). Sometime I will peel more on this


Do not be surprised if you come to Japan and into Densha (electric train), most of the passengers both children and adults are reading books or newspapers. No matter sitting or standing, many of which utilize the Densha time to read. Many publishers are beginning to make man-ga (comic pictorial) curriculum materials for both elementary school, junior high and high school. Lessons of History, Biology, Language, etc. are presented with interesting people who make the higher interest in reading. I've discussed the problem of educational comics on this blog. Read the Japanese culture is also supported by the speed in the process of translation of foreign books (english, french, german, etc.). The legend says that the legend translation of foreign books was started in 1684, as the construction of the institute of translation and continued to grow until the modern era. Usually the Japanese translation of the book is available in a few weeks since its foreign books published. I used to buy a Japanese translation of literature books for cheaper than the original book (english).


Culture in Japan is not very accommodating work too is individualistic. Including claims of employment, usually reserved for team or group. This phenomenon not only in the world of work, the condition of the campus with a research lab like that too, do the tasks subjects are usually in the form of the group. Working in groups may be one of the greatest strengths of the Japanese.There is an anecdote that "a professor of Japanese people to be inferior to one American professor, only 10 of the American professor will not be able to beat 10 people are flocking Japanese professor." Consensus agreement or often called "rin-gi" is a ritual in the group. Strategic decisions must be discussed in the "rin-gi". 


From an early age children are trained to be independent. Ershad, my child had felt the most big and kindergarten (Yochien) in Japan.He had to carry three large bags containing clothes, bento (lunch packet), dressing shoes, books, towels and a large bottle of drink that hangs around his neck. In Yochien every child is trained to bring their own equipment, and are responsible for their own belongings. Remove the high school and enter college most of do not ask for costs to parents. Friend's apartment I used my year at Saitama University rely on part-time work for school fees and daily life. Even if the money ran out, they "borrow" money to the parents that later they return in the next month.


Technological developments and economic, did not make the Japanese lose tradition and culture. Culture married women not to work there and live up to today. Cultural sorry still a reflex of the Japanese. If one day you ride a bike in Japan and hit a pedestrian, then do not be surprised if we hit instead of apologizing first. Until now the Japanese are relatively avoid saying "no" when getting bids from others. So we must be careful in association with the Japanese because the "O" not necessarily "yes" to the Japanese Agriculture is an ancestral tradition and an important asset in Japan. Tough competition due to entry of rice of Thailand and the U.S. are cheap, did not deter the Japanese government's measures to protect farmers. Reportedly soil cultivation get significant tax reductions, including a few other incentives for those who still survive in the world of agriculture. Japanese agriculture is one of the highest in the world. Perhaps such a success that's 10 recipes that I can rangkumkan.The Indonesian people have nearly all Japanese recipes above, just maybe we have not been sharpening properly. Indonesian students in Japan, including the superior and even beating Japanese students. People Indonesia also won numerous international awards berlevel. I'm sure there are factors "non-technical" which makes Indonesia slumped somewhat in the technology and economics. Let us together find solutions to various problems of the republic. And lastly we must remain willing to learn and accept the kindness from anyone.

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